Mission, Vision and Values

The NATIONAL INDO-AMERICAN MUSEUM builds bridges across generations and connects cultures through the diverse, colorful stories of all Indian Americans.
The National Indo-American Museum (NIAM) is the repository of the Indian American narrative. We serve as a hub for the entire spectrum of the Indian American experience, keeping its stories alive and relevant, using fresh and innovative ways to connect with audiences. NIAM engages generations of visitors of all communities in exploring the rich cultural heritage, long immigrant history and important contemporary developments that shape the lives of millions of Americans of Indian origin. Documenting, collecting and sharing the evolving Indian American story, NIAM’s exhibitions, programs and publications nurture appreciation for the commonalities that bring together people of diverse ethnicities. Using its stories to advocate for justice, diversity and tolerance, NIAM changes the concept of museums as passive receptacles for the past to one of museums as active forces for the better in their communities.